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IoT & PaaS deployed in War on Waste

Nukon partners with Container Deposit Systems Australia, control system specialists SAGE Automation and UniSA to revolutionise recycling as we know it.

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Digitisation demand peaks as Nukon reaches expansion point

It's 2018, and Nukon is making waves – and not the kind that you see at the beach. Its unique offering is whetting the apatite of some big brands: Murray Goulburn, Fonterra, Coles, Coca-Cola Amatil, TasWater, and Melbourne Airport to name a few.

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Q&A: IIoT tools and how they can help manufacturing

We are in the midst of a digital revolution, dubbed by founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab as the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”.

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Digital transformation: why agile project management guarantees results

Arguably, the concept of ‘digital transformation’ has not always been easy to understand. It’s been thrown around for the past few years to describe anything from implementing disruptive technologies, moving from paper to digital, or simply applying digital technology to any aspect of business.

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Data historians vs time-series: which is better for data analysis?

Now more than ever, industrial operations and manufacturers are racing to ‘unlock’ process data to leverage their plant-floor information. It’s the challenge of the decade. In order to address this challenge, we need to be looking at what time-series databases and data historians can do.Correct use of these database technologies will mean the difference between simply having data, and being able to analyse and use data to maintain operations and improve the performance of the plant.

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The birth of real-time data analysis through time-series databases

The world has more data than it knows what to do with. The statistics are incredible: IBM says the world creates two and a half quintillion bytes or 2,500,000,000,000,000,000 bytes of data EVERY DAY.

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Data analysis: why process historians and time-series are essential

Process historians have been used to monitor processes in the industrial sector for more than 20 years, and yet many companies Nukon talks to don’t have them. 

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Is it right for you?: The pros and cons of open source manufacturing software

Open source software is everywhere. Businesses today have access to thousands of open source software solutions - from enterprise resource planning, finance and accounting and customer relationship management, to e-commerce and communication systems.

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6 questions you must ask before starting your operation’s digital transformation

Implementing new operational software or technology is a stressful, risk-filled undertaking for any business, but it is a necessary part of any digital transformation journey.

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Think big, go small: What does micrologistics mean for the supply chain?

Micrologistics is a relatively new idea in supply chain circles. While it may conjure up images of miniscule people maneuvering their wee bags of produce to their tiny cottages, in practice the idea is actually much bigger.

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